Photo Credit:
Photo credit
Gilda Portbriand
Camila Reimers

They say that Chile is a country of poets and that all its inhabitants want to be writers. I was born in Chile but left the country in 1975. I lived in Venezuela for five years and then came to Canada in 1980. It is in this country that I published my first novel. From that moment my work has also been published in Europe and Latin America. I have won recognized awards, including the International Latino Book Award in the United States eight times.

A graduate of the University of British Columbia in Language Arts, I combine literature with artisan work such as embroidery and loom. The characters in my novels talk through painting and dancing. In Canada I have been fortunate to work with immigrants, which has led me to cultivate two passions: writing and listening to their stories. People that in order to survive have crossed oceans, run away from wars and left language and traditions on their past.

In 2017 I was lucky enough to attend the program The Art of Stillness, at the Art Centre in Banff, Alberta, that confirmed the importance of creating not only with your mind but in the stillness that listens to the language of the heart.

A graduate from the Birren Centre for Guided Autobiography in Southern California,  I presently teach online courses that help people to tell their life stories through writing and other art expressions.



City: Ottawa, Province/Territory: Ontario
Spanish and English
Presentation details
Audience Size
Audience size
Up to a hundred zoom presentation about Guided Autobiography.
Presentation Length
Presentation, one hour long
Presentation Description
Presentation description

Benefits of writing your autobiography using writing and other arts.

Presentation Fee(s)
Presentation about the program is free.
Workshop details
Audience Size
10 people
Intended Audience
Guided autobiography benefits people of all ages. Especially people in a transition period (job change, children leaving home, a death of someone close, retirement, COVID, etc.), start a new phase in their life or seek a new direction in their path.
Workshop Length
Six weeks, two hours once a week
Workshop Description
Workshop description

Guided Autobiography (GAB) is a method to help people document their life stories. It was developed by Dr. James Birren, a gerontologist from the University of Southern California.

Guided by a trained instructor, participants are led through themes and priming questions that evoke memories of events once known but filed away and seemingly forgotten. Each participant writes a two-page story on a particular theme each week, brings the story to class and reads it to a small group of receptive classmates. Writing and sharing life stories with others is an ideal way to find new meaning in life and to put life events into perspective. While connecting with one another on their journeys of self-discovery, participants feel enlivened by the group experience and gain a greater appreciation of their own lives and of the lives of others. GAB can be a powerful catalyst for improved self-esteem, self-confidence, and communication within communities and within families.

Workshop Fee(s)
$100 per student
Programs & Interests
Interested in participating Union’s Ontario Writers-in-the-Schools program:
All members are eligible for the Union’s Ontario Writers-in-the-Schools program. Are you interested in participating in this pro
Interested in participating in the Northern Ontario WITS program:
The Union’s Northern Ontario Writers-in-the-Schools program funds in-person visits to northern Ontario schools when possible. Ar