
Upcoming Webinars

The Writers' Union of Canada presents webinars on a range of craft and business topics for writers. All TWUC webinars are closed captioned. Learn more about accessibility at the Union. The following webinars are open to the public; members of the Union can find special member-exclusive webinars and recordings in the TWUC Member Portal.

10 Oct

2:00 pm ET
11:00 am PT

Establishing and Maintaining Continuity in a Fictional Series

Join us as we learn or strengthen our skills in maintaining continuity in a fictional series.

Past Webinars

26 Sep

2:00 pm ET

Intersectionality Now: Addressing Barriers in Writing

Join us in this discussion with authors Conyer Clayton, Christine McNair, and Brandon Wint. Hosted by Carla Harris.

12 Sep

2:00 pm ET

Energy is Currency: 8 Ways to Cultivate a More Sustainable Writing Career

Join Chelene Knight for an hour of deep insight into how you can take charge of your creative life. Hosted by Jane Enright.

21 Aug

2:00 pm ET

The Secret to Successful School Visits

Advice and best practices for authors preparing and performing school visits. Presentation by Marty Chan. Hosted by E. Graziani.

24 Jul

2:00 pm ET

Adaptations and Genre Shifting

Tips for adapting your writing; how to face the obstacles & expectations confidently by Sara de Waard. Hosted by Vanessa Shields.

27 Jun

2:00 pm ET

All About Independent Publishing

What is independent publishing and is it the right path for you? Presentation by Melissa Yi. Hosted by Judy Penz Sheluk.

Members can watch webinar recordings in the Member Portal