What is the issue?

All professions and workplaces must be prepared to deal with issues of harassment, sexual misconduct, bullying, discrimination, and violence. The arts are no different, though these problems may look somewhat different for people who work outside traditional offices and labour settings.


What TWUC is doing

Beginning in 2018, TWUC sat on the Cultural Human Resources Council’s (CHRC) working group on respectful workplaces. The result was the Respectful Workplaces in the Arts website, a storehouse of information and resources for everyone working in the arts. As noted on the site, “Respectful Workplaces in the Arts will ensure that artists and arts organizations across Canada have the tools, resources and training to prevent harassment of any kind, and build respectful workplaces as the norm in the cultural sector.”


What you can do

Read the CHRC’s  Code of Conduct and incorporate it into your professional practice in the arts.


Further reading

Stronger Together

TWUC’s advocacy is most effective as the collective voice of Canada’s professional authors. If you are not already a member of TWUC and are working as a writer, consider joining the Union. If you wish to support TWUC’s advocacy outside of membership, consider donating to the Union