Jennifer Mook-Sang was born in Guyana, South America, and moved to Canada at the age of fourteen. Since she can remember, she’s loved to read. Summers would find her curled up with humungous stacks of Enid Blytons and comic books. When she’d read those a trillion times over and knew them by heart, she’d start reading her textbooks for the coming year. Jennifer didn't consider writing until she began reading stories to her two boys. Those books were so much fun and clever, creating one seemed like the best thing anyone could do. She took writing classes and workshops and read lots about writing. She wrote bad stuff and worse stuff until she had written a whole book about a boy who really didn’t want to give a speech. Then she learned how to edit and revise. That book Speechless was published by Scholastic and nominated for many awards. Jennifer has enjoyed visiting numerous schools and libraries to talk to students about the joys of reading, writing, and procrastination. See her website jennifermooksang.com for more information about her author visits and workshops. Jennifer lives in Burlington, Ontario. When she isn’t writing, she likes to read recipe books and cook things like biryani, cassava pone, and guacamole. She can also twist a mean balloon animal.
Please go to Jennifer's website for presentation details (see link above)
Please go to Jennifer's website for workshop details (see link above)